ICA Monthly Meeting – June 12, 2018
- Rob Curtis
- Brenda Feehery
- Michael Kelly
- Chad Briggs
- Kevin Pietka
- Sue Fay
Social Media
- Sent an email to every listed race promoter with an active permit
- 4-5 promoters have responding and like the idea of using ICA social media to promote their events
ICA Website
- Calendar needs to be updated on website to reflect 2018 races
- Brenda, Sue and Rob have calendars. Figure out how to compile them all together.
- Trying to figure out a way to have ability for users to update their phone calendars with races
Lap Counters
- Still on the hunt for reasonably priced options for battery operated version
- Looking towards manual options. Much cheaper.
- All attendees are in agreement to buy new manual counters. (Quantity of 2)
- Updated promoters on what is available in the trailer via email and will announce the availability via website and upcoming promoters meeting
- Flagger signs, vests, stage plus stairs, race in progress signs, roughly 50 large cones, USAC snow fence (best used for stage skirt)
- License plate needs to be renewed. Brenda to work on renewal.
Promoters Meeting
- Coming up. Will announce all details soon. Available at PSIMET and via webinar.
- Brenda ordered 4 new radios
State Championship Jerseys and Medals
- Steve Feehery has jerseys and will inventory this week
- Rob Curtis has medals
- Pactimo brand, can make more and depending on inventory levels they can get us jerseys quickly
- Coordinate with track, they will need them soon
- All in agreement to purchase medals as needed
- Winner of State championship receives free entry to IL Cup races for next year
- Talk of award for winner as well, in past we have done ICA coffee mugs. Jacket, shirt, hat?
Financial Report
- Pay out to camera operators
- Waiting on BikeReg reimbursement
- Some purchases made and within budget